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Gift truck VIP clients

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We will send the truck to your mega folder within 1 day Thanks for your support! Regards, RTA Mods!








                           You can buy Western Star 4800 For ATS ,For ETS-2 and For ATS+ETS-2




Before making a purchase, read the terms of the agreement

You are NOT allowed to share RTA mods with any third party. They are for your personal use only.

You can install the mod on several of your computers
If you share this with your friend. You are solely responsible for your friend.
If the mod is sent to the Internet, sold or disclosed to many people, we will block your account and you will not be able to receive updates or make purchases from us.
We get great support from the community and get information instantly.


After payment you will be sent a file to your PayPal email address, it may take from 10 minutes to a day

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$19 99/mods

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